Few curiosities about Amsterdam and Netherlands:
The Dutch are the tallest people in the world.
The Netherlands has the highest concentration of
museums in Europe
There is more than 300 coffee shops. They are very
various so you can listen to good music, playing chess or drink an original
Moroccan tea, whatever you want to :)
The Dutch are the world's biggest coffee drinkers
Vondelpark is the largest green space in Amsterdam,
named after the renowned poet Joost van den Vondel. You can eat breakfast
on the grass or listen to the music concert, of course if it isn't
raining :)
Amsterdam is the first city to allow gay marriage with
regular rituals
The partner city of Amsterdam is Manchester :)
The climate is similar to the English one, say hello
to never ending rain.
They have Uitmarkt (August) Festival opens the Dutch
cultural season each year and features musical, dance, cabaret and theatre
performances, which I've heard is a big party on the streets
There are more bikes than people, but about this,
probably everyone knows :)
Dutch electro tune
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